Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
my prob is nothin...
i just only realized that
my problem, the things i'm goin through rite now
is really nothin compare to other people's prob
everyone has their own probs
just that they didn't say it out
compare to my prob
mine's as tiny as a grain of sand
theirs can be as huge as a mountain
so what's wrong with me
feelin sad bcos i lost a relationship
lots of people experienced that
and they didn't even blog it out like me
what am i doin?
pityin myself, tellin the whole world that i'm goin through the traumas of breakin up?
perhaps like what ah soon said
i hv a feelin that's why i'm feelin sad rite now
if i dun hv
then i'm a robot
drinkin petroleum to survive
the thought makes me disgusted
no way am i gonna drink that
i rather be a human bein that can enjoy delicious food
can't eat much nowadays
ever since the day that i broke up with him
can't eat much
it's partly bcos of him
my tummy is filled with air
cos i didn't eat anythin for a whole day
hardly drank water too
so after that, i can't eat anythin
except drinkin water and eat stuffs like fries
that's what i had been eatin for my last nite's dinner
coke and fries
it's a pity that i can't eat anythin
MICORS actually treats us with with SFC (the food there sucks anyway :p)
too bad, it's such a waste for me
but i did hv fun joinin them
with khan ling's company
was crackin jokes, teasin each other and askin IQ question
life's that fill with laughter definitely helps u to live longer :D
thanks to all my friends too
u guys are bein so supportive lar
but this time i won't cry cos no more tears left :p
posted by sippy @ 9:40 AM  
  • At 10:25 AM, Blogger Stef said…

    I'm glad you're feeling better now. Yeah its true sometimes when we're in trouble, we think ours is so big. I too struggle with that, thinking that my own problems are bigger than everyone else when people around me are hurting even more. Seek God in this moment of truth, cry out to Him, scream to Him. He will comfort You. All you have to do is ask and watch as He sends 'angels' your way. :)

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