a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour.
she has an awesome family but in need of salvation.
her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Wednesday, November 24, 2004 |
wishes... |
slept kinda early yesterday
i'm exhausted so can't help fallin into ~lala land~
hv weird dream again
saw my econs paper
the mark's terrible
does this indicate i'm not goin to be able to get A for my econs
dun dare to think now
this is so so so freakin horrifyin
i hv done my best, so might as well wait and see
just hope tears won't be runnin down now
hvin my pape at 2:30 later
i should be busy crammin books now
i hvn't hv them on my fingertips yet
and now i'm sittin here bloggin craps again
why can't i just concentrate in my com app??
looks like another subject that i'm goin to flunk
i wish to go home rite now
wish to be pampered by my parents
wish to go kl to meet up with my cousins
wish to watch movies
wish to read mangas
wish to buy archies and read
wish to go Gold Coast
wish to lie on my bed and dream somethin nice
wish to turn back the time
wish to ...
so many wishes rite now on my head
wonder how many will come true??
i just know i'm kinda lazy to study now
can i not sit for this paper today??
looks like the answer is a no-no
so hv to go on dealin with my com app :p
posted by sippy @ 9:48 AM  |
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