Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas
If's after twelve right now and it's Christmas day itself.
I really have no idea what I am doing now.
What should I do??
What am I doing??
My family don't celebrate Christmas. We are not Christians.
For once, I hope there's a Christmas tree at home.
For once, I hope there will be a roast turkey at the dinner table.
For once, I hope the whole family will be gather together and celebrate the joy of Christmas for Lord has came down to sacrifice himself to die for us and save us and gave us eternal life.
I'm a bit emotional now, not knowing what to do and act.
This is Christmas and I'm suppose to have joyous feelings in my heart.
The question is why I'm not??
Why am I feeling empty instead??
Will praying to GOD help to overcome the feeling?
GOD does do his part in everything.
The problem is on you, whether you do your part well or not.
A lot of times I pray to GOD, asking for miracles to happen. Some of them did and some of them not.
I ask myself well and realized that I didn't put in enough effort.
I didn't play my roll well.
GOD will only make things happen if you help yourself in the 1st place.
If it's in GOD's will, then the miracle you ask for will definitely be happening.
This is the faith I have in GOD for this moment.
Even though things don't turn out the way I wish, I know the blame is on me for GOD has always been there for me.
Just that I didn't realize it and neglect GOD for other stuffs.
I want to thank a few of the CF members for the gift you guys have given me.
You guys know who you are. ;)
I truly appreciate the gift
This is my first time receiving a Christmas present so it really mean a lot to me. :)
Thanks Aaron and Win Nee too.
I had fun going out with my CG last night.
We went for bowling and playing pool.
Made a decision that is not saying sorry easily.
I'm an apologetic. (did I use and spell the word correctly?)
I should boost up my self-esteem, lacking of it.
Anyone wants to borrow me?
Looks like it's a hint for me to go to bed, I'm starting to feel crappy.
Night, everyone.
Have a nice dream and remember to pray before you sleep.
posted by sippy @ 1:11 AM  
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