Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Monday, May 02, 2005
an emo entry, read it at ur own risk.. =P
My dad made a very terrible mistake today and due to that he was scolded terribly by my mom. I understood the reason of mom scolding my dad, in fact I don't blame her for doing that. The incident happened like this..

Yesterday was labor day so I wanted to go for swimming. I have been wanting to swim for a long time so I have been bugging my dad to bring me swimming. I'm a very dependant girl who always depend on my parents. At home, without them, I hardly have anything done. XD It's not something to be proud of, in fact, it's something I should be ashamed of myself.. Back to the story. I went to Seremban 2 sport stadium with my dad and we had a good swim. I'm lack of stamina so we didn't swim for long, just swam for a while. Dad was wearing short pants after swimming and that was the factor for the mistake..

Later, dad went to terminal bus station. My parents have an outlet there so dad went there to the outlet while me and the rest family members comfortably sat in a restaurant waiting to eat steamboat. Steamboat was good and we enjoyed ourselves but that's not when the things happened. Later, we went home and as usual, I'm sitting in front of the computer desk online reading manga again

Suddenly, mom came into the living room (note: i'm sleeping in the living room everyday now *sob sob*) and you should see her face, darker then the ink that you used to fill your pen.. She started scolding us and telling what my dad did.. My dad lost something very important indeed as the thing fell off fromt his pants.. I'm not supposed to reveal what it is here but trust me if your dad did the same mistake, your mom will be acting just like my mom..

My dad went inside the room to see my mom. He closed the door as my mom started to scold me. I can't help but standing outside the door listening to what my mom scolding my dad. My mom is a very awesome speaker, I'm surprise why she didn't join politic and elect for something. The probability of her being chosed is very high indeed because my mom is the kind of person that will really do whatever she say. Listening to what she said to my dad only let me realized one thing: I'M-NEVER-EVER-GETTING-MARRIED!!

It's weird to talk about my parents relationship since I have no right to do so. I'm not sure whether it's good or bad but sometimes I do think they should divorce. This way my mom won't be suffering and my dad will be able to do whatever he wants. On second thought, I don't really want them to divorce because I know it will be hard for me to see them seperate. Besides, my younger brother still need both of them, he's only 15 even though 15 is consider mature for some people..

Frankly speaking, I don't want to be someone like my mom. My dad's friend said that my mom has a very strong personality and so I am. I can predict myself to be excatly same like my mom.. I don't want another relationship to have 2 unhappy person who's unsatisfied of each other. I have this fear.. Seeing my parents makes me realized single is much more better than coupling up or in a marriage. I guess I do have a phobia for marriage after all. Maybe single is the best solution for me.. I just hope my mom won't be angry at my dad later.. I'm worried about my parents now..

I know this entry is "emo" but please deal with me, kays?? I don't want to write an "emo" entry as well because it means something terrible happens in my life but bad things do happen to help me you grow faith in GOD, right?? Good night everyone and have a nice day tomorrow. Byes!!
posted by sippy @ 1:42 AM  
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