a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour.
she has an awesome family but in need of salvation.
her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 |
my daily does on Mar 15 |
The Daily Dose I'm support to read on my bday, which is Mar 15:
Instead of running away from God, we need to run towards God.
I only read it today. And yeah, this is kind of the situation i'm in now. When I read it, it makes me wonder whether it was just a coincidence or God trying to reveal to me.
I do not know why I'm running away from God.. Perhaps bcos I gave him too many empty promises ande I felt to keep it. Or perhaps I'm skipping church too often, and I felt guilty to face Him. No matter what the reason it is, God is telling me not to run away from him.
I guess lacking of Christian friends in my life really makes a difference. I can't help but to compare during my uni life and now. I miss going CF every Tuesday, going CG every Thursday, and going church to serve on Sunday. (I was too lazy to go for prayer meeting on Friday. :p) And I think I'm much happier having God in my life than now. >.<
So dear God, if U're listening, please dun let go of my hands no matter what kay. If I'm not running towards U, well.. U can always pull me back to U, since I'm tied to U d. *wink*
On another note, I'm losing the "sparkleness" I once have. Working life really does change me. I wonder what am I gonna do to gain back my "sparkleness". I miss those moments that I can smile without worries. >.<
Good nite ppl, if any of u still reading my blog. :p |
posted by sippy @ 9:50 PM |
hi :) I just want to encourage you! The Lord loves you and he wants to walk through the doubts and hard stuff along with you! He is a loving father and even our smallest concerns are important to Him. Share your struggles with Him and let Him comfort and guide you! Love your sister in the Lord :)
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