Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Friday, December 31, 2004
my connection's back
yeah, my connection is back at last
these few days quite a lot of things happen
especially the NOC promotion
i can't believe myself being the "board girl"
luv the t-shirt that dayze designs
damn cun sial
a few gals askin for the NOC t-shirt
i'm glad i'm involve in this musical play now, that shows how rockz CF is!! ;)
lookin forward to perform it on the stage next week, hope it turns out to be a blast :D
today's practice i hv lot so fun
as usual, there's so many fun and laughter in CF
somethin seems to go wrong with me
i hv been tryin to pretend as a boy the whole nite and hug almost every girl in CF
i luv huggin people, it gives me a super warm feelin
i'm thinkin if GOD gives me a chance to choose my own sex, which one will i choose
the answer is obvious, i wanna stay as a girl
cos there's so many beautiful stuffs that designed for girls
i'm playin with a bandanna the whole nite
until ben also shake his head bcos of my vanity
i actually askin people around whether i look like a gypsy and pirate or not
some say perhaps a bit like gypsy and others say i dun look like a pirate at all
too bad i dun hv an evil look on my face
if not i can be an outstandin pirate
i even play with wayne's MJ hat and wrist band, thank ya!!! :D
today is yen wei's bday
they were celebratin it beside uptown
when i reached there, there's only a small part of it left
and it's not for eatin, it's for smashin on yen wei's pretty face
poor poor dear yen wei
i kena too, my new ELLE bag
chee seng so bad, apply the cream on it
feelin heart breakin now :p (just kiddin)
should see the amount of cream on yen wei's face and shirt
accordin to adeline, at least half of the cake's on yen wei
yen wei, u're surel feelin "sweet" tonite ;)
so relieved that i hv my connection back again
i can blog anytime i want now
hope no more prob in keepin the connection consistent
maybe i should stop spendin so much money addy
if not i'll hv prob survivin until next Friday
posted by sippy @ 2:46 AM  
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