Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Friday, May 06, 2005
i want hamster..
During this holiday, I have nothing much to do. One of my favorite activities is reading other people’s blog. A few days ago, I was reading Reene's blog. Through her blog, I know about her sisters’ pair of hamsters and I envy them so much. I used to have a pair of hamster few years ago, Happy and Welcome. Those two are my precious pets. How I wish I can own them, touch them and feel their fur again. Holding them on my hands again is always my dream but I know this will never again because they were dead long ago..

These few days I was trying my best bugging my parents to buy me hamster again. Sadly to say, there’s no result for my hard work no matter how much effort I put in. You should see the salvia I wasted, it’s enough to fill a swimming pool (okays, I know I’m exaggerating/crapping, but that’s what I’m good at XD). I tried asking my parents again today and guess what happened?? My annoying+irritating+irksome brother step his stupid foot in objecting my will to own a hamster saying that there’s no space at home for the hamster plus who’s going to take care of the hamster if I’m gone?? Listening to him only causes me frustrating because he’s so not fit into the picture. I didn’t ask him to take care of the hamster, I’m not going to use his space, I didn’t even ask him to help me persuade my parents!! I shouted at my busybody brother to shut up and hoping he will keep his butt off my matter. And again, my efforts fail because there’s no one to take care of them after I left.

There’s another blog I read today makes me sad. Remember me mentioning Kenny Sia's blog in my previous entry before?? Well, his father passes away. I understand the feeling of a closed one leaving you forever because my grandmother passed away when I’m form 3. Frankly speaking I was sad but wasn’t as sad as my mom, my aunts and my uncles. I wasn’t growing up taken care by my grandma, seldom spent time with her because I she spoke hokkien and I don’t. Still remember the day my grandma died, me and my mom rushed down to KL. It was too late when we reached there, my grandma already passed away. I couldn’t help but letting my tears flow. There’s nothing you can do when a closed one leaving you forever. You should appreciate them when they are around instead of regretting when they aren’t there anymore.
“树欲静而风不止, 子欲养而亲不在”

I finally installed a DVD player in my CPU. I got a pen drive too; it’s a mini red colour one. It’s only 128 MB but I guess I can deal with it. If in the future 128 MB is too small for me, I’ll just beg my dad to buy me a new 256 MB one =D *evil laughter* Right now, my brother is enjoying himself using my computer while I’m blogging using the laptop without the internet connection. =.=” I make a deal with him, letting him using my computer for 5 nights and watching TV on Saturday night (he wants to watch WWE). I’ll survive well these few days. God bless me~~
posted by sippy @ 2:37 PM  
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