Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
are you ready for a long distance relationship??
Just read Kenny Sia's blog. He wrote about how much he misses Perth, how much he misses his girlfriend there. Compare to his other recent entries, I prefer this one more..

I always feel that long distance is very hard to work out. I see many examples around me. Those who have faith for each other last very long but those who don't, broke up in a few months' time. I feel pity for them. I really though they can last long but the outcome disappoints me, pity to see them breaking up because mostly when these couples were together, they got along so well until they were apart from each other..

Let's just us not talk about other people, let's just talk about me, myself since I'm the one writing this entry, since this is my blog. I always wonder whether I suit long distance relationship or not?? Am I mature to handle one if I have to be in one?? I don't know.

Dad always said "out of sight, out of mind." If I didn't see my partner for a long period of time, will I be missing him or just plainly forget about him and ready to start a new relationship anytime?? Just imagine if he's not beside me, will I be able to hold firm on my feelings, not fall for other people?? I don't know the answer because I have never been one.

Nobody knows what will be going on in the future. You will never know the next problem that you're going to fix. I wish I know how to handle all those obstacles I'm going to meet, especially in my studies and my love life which my parents can't solve for me, something that I can only handle them myself. I hope GOD will grant me wisdom to solve them in time to come.

Ever wonder how long will your relationship last?? Ever wonder why your parents' relationship can last so long?? I look at my parents sometimes, wonder how can they tolerate each other. My parents defintely have different personalities. Mom's the serious one, dad's the joker. Dad's the more intellectual one, mom's the business-minded one and yet they have been together for 20 years, 2 decades, 1 score and 8 years. I salute them you know, able to grow old and sharing their life together. I envy, really.

I look at my cousin. She's a divorced woman with 2 kids. Sometimes I pity the kids for not having a father, sometimes I feel even sorry for them for not loving and missing their father at all. It's not wrong that she's divorced, a lot of women in western countries divorced but the thought of not having a partner grow old together with you seems kinda lonely, pathetic. I don't mind being single for my whole life though at least it's better than divorce and having 2 kids rite?? I fear of my capability of not able to give my children a complete family which my parents have given me..

Enough of the "emo" thoughts which I should not worry now but after at least 5 years. Now some happy stuffs that I did today that brighten up my day.

I went out to watch movie with my 2 pals, Kenny and Chuah today. They are my 2 secondary school pals which I bully a lot during those glamour days.Kidding. =P They are just very nice guys who always treat me nicely. ^_^ I went and watch "Herby" with them because someone I know doesn't like Lindsay Lohan, so have to watch it with other peeps that are willing to. The show's quiet cute. I never notice that Lindsay Lohas has so many frekles on her face.. Hmm.. I ought to feel lucky that I don't have. The car, Herby is so damn cute. It's a 1963 Woxwagon I think. Is that how you spell the name?? I would love to have a car that can drive me around since I suck at driving. Not to forget the winking part too. *wink wink*

After the movie, i went and played bowling with Kenny because long time didn't play. It was great because my skill improved, at least better than last time (my ball used to enter the drain). I'm able to hit 9 pins down now and I got 2 stirkes. Yeah yeah~~ But my score i still low, only 85. At least better than my last record, which was only 50 something. I'm improve by 30 markds. Hurray for me~~ Alrights, you folks out there who's reading this stop laughing, I know you can score better than me. *stickin out tougue*

Kenny sent me home after bowling. He's such a sweet guy for sending me home and I'm able to steal things from his phone. *dancing around* After that, I went to Parkson to eat Kenny Rogers with my parents. Parents paying for everything I eat so I don't need to spend any of my own money. The best thing that happens to me is that I get to buy books from popular today. Life's just great to me for this moment. *dancing around again*

I guess I have written enough for this entry, Sharon, my classmate actually said I wrote very very long enteires.. Hmm.. that's my style and I'm happy to write long. I'm a law student after all, have to brag a lot on many stuffs (lame excuse to defend myself). *shrug*

Nite nite world. ^_^
posted by sippy @ 4:08 AM  
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