Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Monday, April 05, 2010
To you
If I must die for 1 person in this world, it's definitely for you.

This post is for you.

Mommy, this post is from the 3 of us even though I'm the only one writing it. >.<

Mommy, I'm always thankful that you brought us to this world, just like how I'm thankful to grandma for bringing you to this world.

I'm lucky to have a charming dad, beautiful mom, and 2 handsome bros and I have every reason to believe that they are lucky to have a cute sister like me too. *grin*
CW and CS will most probably kill me when they see this pic. :p

To celebrate your birthday, I have nothing much to give but this:

Credit: Manyfreewallpaper.com

A beautiful heart made of roses for my beautiful mom.
In our eyes, mommy, you're the most beautiful woman in this world.
It's not because of the make up that you apply.
It's not because of the pretty clothes that you wear.
It's not because of the accessories that you put on.
All those things are just there to enhance your beauty.
You are beautiful because mommy.. we love you. :)

Mommy, you always call us you greatest achievements.
But I know how much heartache that you went through while bringing us up.
It was not easy to educate us, but you tried your best to give us the best, and even though we are not yet successful, but I'm sure in the very near future, we will be.

And Mommy, thanks for enduring all the troubles and heartaches while growing us up
Thanks for never be disappointed at us no matter how many mistakes that we made.
Thanks for being forgiving at all times.
Even if everyone fails us, leaves us, stop trusting us, we know you are always there to support all the decisions that we made.


Mommy, do you know how amazing you are?
Do you know just words of comfort from you can remove our worries easily?
Do you know awesome you are in leadership skill?
Do you know how great is your culinary skill?
Do you know how much I would want to be like you?

Credit: Zazzle Site
That's me on the left, CW's on the right.
You ask me where's CS?? Inside ur tummy. XD
Well mommy, there's so many reasons for us to love you.
But most importantly, we love you because you first love us.
The same reason why I love Jesus.
So, mommy, I wish that you will be the happiest woman on this world, especially on this special day of urs.
Once again, Happy Birthday~!!

p/s. Mommy, let's go watch the Easter play at Agape kay??
Hope one day you realise how much Jesus loves you too. :)

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posted by sippy @ 11:28 PM  
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