Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
erm.. u sure u want to read??
She woke up in the middle of the night.
1 or 2 mosquitos buzzing around her ears.
She couldn't bear the sound so she sat up.
She reached for her handphone, which was beside her bed.
It was 3.10 am.
Suddenly, she wondered when did her handphone took over the role of her watch.
She had no idea where was her watch too.

She sat up, figuring that she might had insomnia, wondering what she could do.
Reminiscing the past seem to be a good idea.
She thought hard for a while.
No.. it's not working.
Her mood turn worse since she was moody the past few days.
She decided to do something else.
"I know.. I'll just on my laptop." Just like most college students who couldn't survive without computer & internet, she on it.
She didn't plan to on her laptop for that day but eventually she did.

She checked on her Facebook, viewing the comments that ppl gave on her video that she uploaded.
"The respond is not bad. Looks like many people like it." It was an arm wrestling video, featuring 2 of her CG members and thanks to Kelvin, her CG member who took it.
She wished she could create more memories with her CG before she graduate.
Her CG has always been important to her.

She then opened her Hotmail & Gmail, which had not been opened in ages.
"It's time to open before they cancel my account again." She thought.
There were many mails but she's too lazy to read so she clicked the "X" button on the top.
"Oh well, at least they won't close my accounts for another 3 months."
Then she's lost again, not knowing what do.

"I know.. I'll just update my blog."
And so she write this entry diligently and played Freecell game when she was bored.
By the way, she could play Freecell very well. She's not boasting.
Finally, the entry came to an end.
She wondered whether anyone would be reading this entry.
"I'm sorry for those that read this entry. I hope they survive after vomiting blood." She thought guiltily.
Still, she clicked on the "Publish Post" button, off her laptop and go to sleep.
"I hope I'll be able to stay awake in church tomorrow. I also hope all my pimples will disappear when I wake up too."
That was her last thought before she fell sleep.
And now she's deep in slumber again until the alarm in her phone wakes her up.


posted by sippy @ 3:46 AM  
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