Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
searching.. impossible.
Have you ever tried to search for someone.. which is impossible to find??
I'm searching for this person I know (kind of).
We are from the same primary primary school.
I was in standard 1 while he's in standard 6.
So what is so special about this person??

When I was in standard 1, my classroom happened to be beside the standard 6 class room.
Back then, my primary school, S.J.K. (c) Kuo Min Seremban was a very small school (now an A-grade school).
There was only one class for standard 6.
I was very cute in standard 1 (don't compare with now lar).
So having a very cute fact, very short height, I was a pet or toy to those big kor kor and jie jie (back then).
Every recess time, I'll go to their class, since it's just beside and most of them will play with me.
I was kind of popular among them lar. Haha~
I'm close to most of them except a few. Can't remember the reasons d. :p

This particular kor kor, which I'm trying to search is supposingly my kai kor.
He asked me whether I can become his kai mui or not.
As a young and innocent girl, with mentality age of 7 (or maybe lower), of course I said can.
Another girl who was there (she's from my class) also said she want to be his kai mui.
So this kai kor has 2 kai muis, what a happy kai kor rite??

Now, that's the end of story.
I can only remember until this part.
The problem is I don't know what happen after I become his kai mui already.
I don't remember what his name or his face either.
But I do hope to find him back, so I can at least remember his face and name.. or at least let me know how he is doing. I'll be content as well.
After all, I'm not a greedy person. :p

That's the end for this post.
Happy studying for remaining papers. Ta.
posted by sippy @ 9:33 PM  
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