Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Monday, May 30, 2005
I finally watched star wars III :D
Miss CP has been missing in action for the past few days, and now she's back into action again!! Continue to catch her in sometimes, somewhere, somehow n someone!!!!!

I'm bored, that's why I wrote something crappy up there. =P

Star Wars III is awesome, at least to me. I'm not a good movie critic or a good judger, that's why I enjoyed watching every type of movie, the crappy ones, the comedy ones, the scientific ones, the romance ones, the fighting ones except the horror ones.

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, I'm sure most of you has watched this movie. To me, this movie is the movie of the year. Once, I asked a few of my friends this question:
If you were only given a chance to watch 1 movie among the three, which will you choose??
A. Star Wars
B. Lord of the Rings
C. Harry Potter
I asked this question before the last episode of Star Wars or LOTR came out. Different people gave me different kind of answer. I like the answer my dad gave me because it was the same answer as mind.
What will your answer be??

My answer is A. Star Wars. I'm sure many people grow up watching Star Wars movies. The familiar robots, R2-D2 and C-3PO definitely appear in your mind when mention Star Wars. How I wish I have a R2-D2 with me, that way I can be the laziest human being around. =P
The main reason I'm choosing Star Wars because it's a not-to-be-missed movie. There's 6 movies in the series. I have watched 5, definitely I want to watch the last one or should I say my dad wanted to watch the last one and I was influenced by him since young. ;)

In the last movie, the 2 robots didn't have much actions, especially C-3PO, the golden human like robots which reminds me of my name. Okays, I know I'm being "perasan", so don't need to remind me that. :D No doubt the George Lucas did produce a remarkable movie this time. I'm sure if this movie ever goes to Oscar, it will somehow win some awards. I wish the best to them. =)

There's something I can't stand wtaching the movie --> the chinese subtitle. I know the chinese subtitle is important for chinese-educated people, for spectator like me. The thing is if they want to translate it, please do it nicely or correctly, couldn't they?? It's so annoying reading the chinese subtitle when it's translating another meaning out.

Let me give you a very vivid example. You know the word "force", right?? A lot of times the Jedi were using it, "May the force be with you" or "Use the force". In these cases, what does the force means?? It means strenght, energy or power, right?? In the chinese subtitle, they didn't translate it that way, instead they translate the word "force" into "military team" (军 队). So the whole thing is "May the military team be with you". Reading it makes me feel like shouting "WHAT THE H***!!!" out. Seriously, if they don't know how to translate english to chinese, they can just always contact me and asked. I'll be willing to help you know. (just kidding here XD)

I was just being fussy anyway, so please bear with me. =)

Note: Mom didn't enjoy watching scientific movies like star wars, so next time do not force her again.. =P
posted by sippy @ 4:29 PM  
  • At 2:55 AM, Blogger WontdieonE said…

    tsk tsk tsk.. chill gal.. may the military team be with you.. ahaks~

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