Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
watching A.I yesterday
I watch the show A.I yesterday. That was my first time watching it since I don't have the chance to sit down and enjoy it. I know I'm outdated but at least I got to watch the whole show and I'm satisfied. :)

A.I was a Steven Spielberg movie, produced in 2001. Haley Joel Osment acted as the highly advanced robotic boy that longs to become a real human so that he can regain the love of his human mother, Monica. He stepped into the journey of finding the blue fairy that changes Pinocchio into a real boy.. For those who wants to know the story, buy a pirated DVD and enjoy urself for a 2 hours entertainment. =P I'm not going to jot the plot down here (since I'm not a good story-teller) but writing my views on the movie instead.

Watching the show from the beginning to the end makes me wonder how will the future becomes. Will we need robots in our daily life or we don't? Can robots have emotions?? Can they have their own thinkings too?? Are we fair to destroy them just because we are threatened by them?

There's one part of the story that makes me feel how pathetic we human beings are. In that scene, the robots who were being captured were brought to a place called flesh fair (i'm not too sure whether i got it right or not). These robots were put in a show for the human beings to destroy them. It was like an entertainment for them, a show that shows the cruelness of the human beings, a show that shows the heartless of human beings. I wonder what will I do if I'm one of the spectator. Will I feel sorry for the robots or disgusted by their looks (many robots who appeared in the fair were unwanted robots which were partially damaged) and feel like destroying them as well?

I don't know whether I like the ending of the movie or not. It's the best ending that the producers can think of, it's the best ending I can think of as well. I was talking to Burger about it after watching the show. He said he will make the same ending as well because it leaves some thing for the audience to figure out. That's what the best ending always do. At least David had his mother's attention for a whole day and that was the best day of his life. At least, if he was to be destroyed, he could finally rest in peace with his mother beside him.

A.I is a good movie I guess, at least it helps you to think what will happen in the future. Oh yeah, there's something I have in mind for quite a while. Why must robot be in human form?? Why can't it be in other forms?? Well, it just me and my silly question. =P Don't crack your head to think about it. If you're bored at home, just rent some movies and enjoy yourself in front of your tv screen with a remote control and a bowl of popcorns. ;)

Good day everyone~~
posted by sippy @ 6:11 PM  
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