Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
crappin again..
Before I start blogging, allow me to bring you into an exploration. I'll call it exploration of heart. Let's begin now..

Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Clear ur mind and feels ur surroundin with ur heart.. You can put some jazz music just to help u falls into the mood. Make sure u're not thinkin about somethin nasty.
When u're ready, then imagine a deep and sophiscated voice askin u this question. When u wake up early in the mornin, when u open up ur eyes, when ur mind gains it consciousness.. Wat is it lookin forward to?? What is it that you look forward to when u open ur eyes everyday?? Is it the food that u're goin to eat?? Is it somethin that u're gonna do?? Is it someone that u wish to see?? I guess the thing that u're lookin forward to is the thing ur heart desire most at that period of time.. This wasn't really an exploration btw, I was just crappin only. :p

I dunno what u expect most in ur heart but let me tell u mine.. Let me tell u what I look forward the most everyday. I look forward to see a certain person everyday. I hope to spend time with the certain person everyday. I wish I can hear him speak. I hope I can hold his hand. I yearn for his company and I yearn for his cheerfulness to light up the dull boring day of mine so I can have an interestin moment..
When I dun get it, I'll get upset and I'll be lonely.

Once, there's this guy said:"I don't like to wait patiently but I'm very good at waiting." Similarly I learned much more than I thought in this statement. I'm beginnin to be good at waiting. At night besides doin my tutorial, readin manga and check mail, I will be waitin for a person paitiently as well. Just like every other day. Sometimes my waitin worthwhile and somethins my efforts just flow into the drain. This is like taking a risk, a certain risk of playin with ur heart.

Can't write anymore bcos drowziness just conquer over me. Nites peeps.
posted by sippy @ 2:26 AM  
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