Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
a trip to JPN.. I finally got MyKad =P
Last night wasn't fun for me, certain times almost feel like crying. Glad that I didn't. I stil have the will to stop my tears from streaming now.. Everything is alright now. I'm calm, perhaps it's because I'm not sleeping early, that's why my heart is not at ease. I ought to sleep early and gain everything in my dream, a very good hideout indeed for an average girl like me who doesn't have much places to go..

Woke up early (9 something, consider very early for me), was awakened by my dad to go get my I.C (Identity Card). It's long done and I don't have time to go collect it. Mind you, I made my I.C back at my hometown and I only go back during the weekends. The stupid government policy: government departments only work on weekdays now, so how am I suppose to collect it during weekends?? Plus, other people can't collect for you, you have to collect on your own. So after delaying for 1 month (yeah, 1 WHOLE month), I finally get the chance to collect my I.C which attached my ulgy picture on it. I hate taking stuffs with my face on it. >.<

Since today is a Wednesday, somemore a school day, not much people in JPN. Forgive me for not describing where Seremban JPN is located, I'm suck in describing things like this. Anyway, it's in the first floor of a building. Dad went there with me. As a lazy bum, I'm not in the mood of climbing up stairs so I took the lift. (Sue me for being lazy, no one's gonna stop me from taking lift =P) As the lift opened, saw a few people lining up. Dad and I were actually clueless of what we were going to do so we just followed those people, lining up for our turn. It appears that they were taking "nombor giliran". Mine was 4039. We sat down on the chair and wait for our turn. While waiting, Dad sang a Japanese song and I hummed with it. People around must be thinking we are freak but we don't really care. Why should we??

The system was quite down today so we waited quite long, approximately 10 minutes. Finally, my name was called. Funny, I thought they should call my number like calling some prisoner. Just imagine me wearing white and black stripes, holding a board with my number on it. =P Okays, I know it's lame and so outdated, but still I'm trying to put a smile on your face. Did it succeed?? They called my name, my full name, pronouncing it wrongly. Gah!! People hardly say my name correctly. =( I walked to the counter, took my I.C and said thank you. See, I'm a polite child after all, saying thank you, please and sorry all the time.=D

What wil you normally do when you got hold on your I.C?? Definitely inspecting the pictures carefully right?? If you tell me you look at other details first, most probably u're lying to yourself. =P I admit I'm vain so I paid my attention to my lovely picture which turned upto be a disaster for me. How on earth did I did take such an ugly picture?? I look like a nerd, a geek and even a pervert in my own eyes. The way I smile, so terribly terribly.. horrifying. Dad laughed at my pic when he saw it. While mom, when I showed her, she said I can report of a missing I.C again if I want. See, that shows how ugly my picture is.. I'm never ever gonna show anyone my I.C. NO!!
posted by sippy @ 11:50 AM  
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