Read this post form a website.
Just tot I would share.. cos it makes me cry.
The chinese version:
高中最大的願望,就是盡自己的能力考一個遠一點的大學,越遠越好。後來,終於到了那所離家 兩千公里 的學校,終於可以自由作息、為所欲為;再後來,留在了城市裏工作、生活……但不久,我們終於生了病,一種名叫homesick的病。 龍應台曾寫道:“父母親,對於一個二十幾歲的人而言,恐怕就像一棟舊房子,你住在它裏面,它為你擋風遮雨,給你溫暖和安全。但是房子就是房子,你不會和房子去說話,去溝通,去體貼它、討好它。”在外地的我們,眷戀著父母這所“舊房子”帶來的一切——包容和溫暖,我們如此地愛他們,但愛並不是認識,也不是瞭解,甚至很多時候,我們以愛之名,故意地不去認識,不去瞭解。 比如我們從來沒注意到,我們離開家的日子裏,爸媽過著怎麼樣的生活…… 關鍵字:改變 每一次我們回家的時候,他們總能弄出一大桌子菜,給我們準備許多的水果、零食,還有衣服鞋子,他們會和我們聊七大姑八大姨的八卦,領著我們去逛這逛那,熱熱鬧鬧十分溫馨。但沒有我們在家的日子裏,他們是“空巢老人”,他們會一直很安靜,或許還有一些失落,他們節約而簡單,說話不多發呆不少,他們的生活遠沒有我們在家時的豐富多彩……媽媽一盤菜可以吃很多天 網友huanghaizhen:每次我回家,媽媽總會一大早就買好雞,然後加很多補品去燉。我一隻腳剛踏進門,媽媽就會說:“又瘦了!”然後陸續將大魚大肉買回來。當我看到一盤不新鮮的肉,問怎麼還留著時媽媽說:“沒事,一個人,吃不完就放冰箱裏,反正不會壞的,一盤菜可以吃很多天。”看著我們吃,比他們吃在肚子裏還香。 他們更省了,為了給你攢首付 網 友火星小精靈:大城市的房價噌噌地漲,我和男朋友因為買不起房子,婚期一拖再拖。爸媽知道後,拿出了所有的積蓄。看著那錢,我都想哭了,十萬塊,是爸媽辛 苦了這麼多年,不捨得吃,不捨得穿,不捨得用,才攢下來的。今天因為女兒要買房,他們二話不說就把存摺拿給我們。爸只說:“女兒有大房子,我開心,要吃苦也要和女兒一起吃苦。”可他們以後養老怎麼辦?難道不吃不喝嗎?這個錢我怎麼能要!他們省吃儉用,總是將最好的東西給我們。 他們學上網,為和你視頻聊天 網友朝陽:家裏有了電腦可以跟爸媽視頻聊天,因為硬體的問題只能看到視頻,沒有聲音,我只能打字跟他們溝通。爸媽上歲數了,螢幕上的一句話,我能感覺到他們 看了半天,幾乎是一個字一個字地念著。明年我就要結婚了,媽媽說結婚了就不能回家過年了,說今年不回去以後正月初三前就不能回去了,說得我淚如泉湧。 為了看到遠方你的樣子,他們願意在電腦前等幾個小時 關鍵字:想念 你也許收到過這樣的短信:“什麼時候回家,你爸想死你了”、“有空多給爸爸媽媽打電話”、“兔崽子,是不是把爸媽忘了”……兒 女是父母心頭的一塊肉,長出來了,就永遠也無法割捨。家裏,我們的房間、甚至放在床頭的書,爸媽都不亂動,說是感覺那樣像是孩子還在家裏似的。這兩位老 人,在我們不在家的日子裏,習慣於把我們一次次地想起,把思念一遍一遍地溫習。想兒女,就像是呼吸一樣,是一件他們每時每刻都在進行的事情……他們會拿出我們從小到大的照片細細地看網友八寶糖:由於工作原因,已經幾年沒有回家,爸媽有一次打電話告訴我:“女兒啊,爸媽每天都要看一看你的照片,從你滿月到大學畢業的,我們都看。你有新的照片記得寄回來,爸媽幾年不見你,真怕記不得你的樣子,認不出你啊……”聽完我就徹底淚奔了。 如果可以,他們一定願意再陪我們成長一次。 他們從不錯過我們所在城市的天氣預報 網友swevenJAN:有一次,老爸打電話來說:“不要再出去吃東西了,你看現在食品中又檢驗出什麼菌的,小心吃壞肚子,出門穿厚點,你們那裏降溫到十度了。”我說:“你看我這兒的天氣預報啊?”他說:“天天都看,你那十幾度,深圳也十幾度(弟弟在深圳),有風,降溫了,沒我這冷,但要保暖別凍著……”
爸媽,永遠是在遠方與我們分享陽光、分擔風雨的那對老人。 總是把我們的房間一遍遍打掃 網友Mint:暑假回去的時候,見餐桌上還放著一套紫砂茶具,那是之前我在家時拿出來使的,臨走時沒時間收拾進櫃子就一直擺在那兒。我問媽,不是說讓你收起來的嗎?媽說,你爸不讓動,讓還放在那兒,感覺回家了就能喝到你泡的茶,他每天都會擦一擦茶具。 最偉大的爸媽不是願意一輩子養孩子,而是願意為了孩子的幸福放他們去飛,而他們就甘願為孩子經營那一輩子的窩。 他們總隨身攜帶手機,不是離不開手機,是離不開我們 網友低低低腰褲:爸爸媽媽連拼音都不記得了,手機是用我的舊手機,手寫的,平時他們一個月也沒幾個電話。但在我離開家以後,他們兩人去到哪里都會帶著這部手機,就怕錯過我打給他們的電話。 網友若若:有天一大早,我媽打來電話,說:“你爸昨晚十點半說想你了,非要打電話給你,我跟他說你睡了,他才答應今天早上打。”全中國增加的手機用戶中,有幾億是離不開兒女、時刻惦念兒女的父母。 關鍵字:不便 父母老了。爸爸不再是那個把我們高高扛上肩的年輕小夥,媽媽也不再是那位幹家務麻利十足的年輕美女。老,是一種讓人傷感的事情,但他們為了不給我們添麻煩,總是說自己一切沒問題,他們每次電話裏第一句話總是:“寶貝你好嗎,家裏一切都好,不用擔心。”其實你不知道,沒有你在家的日子裏,他們過得並不容易……突 發急病,身邊卻沒有年輕人能送他們到醫院網友世界最憂傷的狗:父親生病了。夜裏只有我媽陪他大老遠跑去縣城看病,病情很嚴重。我感到莫名的悲哀,都說養兒 防老,可是像我這樣身在遠方,他們需要我時除了在電話裏問候兩句,還能做什麼?父親喜歡喝酒,大家老早就擔憂這個問題,但是因為他身體沒什麼異樣,所以也 沒反對,這次終於表露出來了。酒,肝的天敵,如果發現得再晚一點,不知道有什麼更可怕的後果。電話中還笑著對我說沒事,我真的有種撞牆的衝動。 請堅持每年帶父母體檢一次。 買了一大袋子米,兩個老人拖了一個小時才拖到家 網友好多蟲蟲:我的爸爸年輕時就很想要一個兒子,他說等他年老了,家裏還有個有力氣的人幫他扛米、扛煤氣上樓……他是生了我這麼一個兒子,但兒子長大後讀書了就再也回不到那個小城鎮了。今年爸爸五十多了,以前一手抱我,一手還能扛100多斤米的他,每次去買米都得叫上媽媽,兩個老人一次買40斤米都要輪流拖著回家。每次想到這個,我真的很想回到他們身邊。 記得回家時幫爸媽買好米,充好電,再續上網費。 爸媽老了,開始動作緩慢、反應遲鈍 網友jackone32123:印象中的老爸一直都是個能手,什麼都難不倒老爸。後來上學工作一直在外地,直到有一天,在網上聊天時教他用gtalk、gmail那些東西,我給他講了一遍,他沒明白,我又講了一遍,他還是沒太懂,我補上一句“急死我了,半天都冒不出一句話……”,然後我看見螢幕上正在輸入的提示停下了,過了很久,螢幕上冒出來一句“兒子,你別著急,爸爸老了,反應不過來了”。當時淚奔,恨不得抽自己兩個耳刮子。 把動作放慢一點,等等他們,問問冷暖,就像我們小時候,他們對我們一樣。 ……一人在外打拼很辛苦,那是自己選的就自己承擔。只是,累了就回家吧,爸媽永遠高興為你多添副碗筷。
The English version: When I was in High School, my biggest wish is to entered a university which is far away from home, the further the better. Later, I entered a university which is 2000km away from home. I can finally live freely. Then, I went to work in the city. But after that, I started to get an illness, which is called.. “homesick”. Long Ying Tai (龍應台) once wrote:”Parents, to the 20s, they are like an old house. If you’re staying in it,it will protect you from the wind and the rain, provides you warm and safety. But a house is a house, you will never talk to the house, to communicate with it, to be considerate, or to please it.” Those of us who are staying away from home, we miss what our parents (old house) gave us – toleration and warmness. We love them a lot, but love doesn’t mean we know them, or understand. We love them, but we purposely not to know them, or to understand them. For example, we never notice what kind of life our parents are having when we are not at home.. Key word: Changes Everytime we return home, they will make a table full of dishes, prepare a lot of fruits, snacks, clothes and shoes. They will tell us the gossips, bring us here and there. But when we are not around, they are “empty shell old folks”. They live quietly, and perhaps lost. Their life is simple. They do not talk much. Their life is not as rich as when we are at home. One dish that mother cooked can be eaten for a few days. Huanghaizhen: Everytime I went home, my mom will buy chicken and other supplementary food to boil for me. The moment I entered the house, my mom will said “why are you thin again?” Then she will buy fish and meat. When I see meat that is not fresh, I’ll ask my mom why she keep it. She answers: “It doesn’t matter. I’m alone, I can’t finish it so I put inside the fridge. It won’t spoil so I can eat it for days.” Watching us eating tastes better than them eating the food. They save so that they can pay the first installment for you. Huo Xing Xiao Jing Ling: The houses in big cities are so expensive. I can’t get married with my boyfriend bcos we couldn’t afford to buy a house. After my parents know about it, they took out all their savings. Looking at that money, I felt like crying. They worked so hard for so many years to save this 10,000 dollars which they are not willing to eat, not willing to wear, and not willing to use. My dad just said, “My daughter has a big house, I am happy, if I have to suffer, I will suffer with my daughter.” But how are they going to survive when they are old? They can’t be not eating and not drinking? How can I take this money. They save so that they can give us the best. They learn how to go online so that they can chat with you. Chao Yang: My family has a computer so that I can chat with my parents. Because of the hardware problem, thye can only look at me, but there’s no sound. I can only type to communicate with them. My parents are old now. Looking at the monitor screen, I can feel them. They took time to read word by word. Next time I’m going to get married. Mom said after I got married, I could not come back for reunion. She said if I don’t return this year then next time before January 3rd (Chinese Calender)* I can’t return home. I started crying after reading it. *Chinese Tradition: After getting married, the couple will visit the husband’s family for the 1st 2 days and then only visit the wife’s family on the 3rd day. Your parents are willing to wait in front of the computer for a few hours just to see you. Key word: Missing You might receive this kind of sms before: “when are you coming back home, your dad is missing you”, “when you’re free call daddy mommy more often”, “son.. did you forget your parents”... children, they are always a part of their parent’s heart, once it grows, they can never get rid of it. At home, our rooms, and those books which we put it on the bedside , they will never touch. They said they feel that their children are still at home. These two old folks, when we are not at home, they will think of us from time to time. Missing us, is just like breathing to them, is what’s going in them every single moment. They will took out our photos from the time when were babies until we left home. Ba Bao Tang: Because of works, I did not go back home for a few years. My parents called me once, “Daughter, we looked at your pictures every single day.. from your full moon to your graduation. If you have any new photos, remember to send it to us. Daddy mommy haven’t seen you for years, we are afraid we might not be able to remember your face, couldn’t recognize you.” After listening, I cried a lot. If they could, they are willing to accompany us grow up again. They never miss the weather report in our city. Sweven Jan: Once, my dad called. “Don’t simply eat the food outside. They found some virus in the food, don’t get food poisoning. When you go out, wear more. The temperature at your side is decreasing.” I then said “You read my place’s weather report?” He said. “I read every day. Your place is around ten plus degrees. Your brother’s place also ten plus degrees. There’s wind, the temperature is lower, but keep yourself warm, don’t get cold..” Parents, they are always the one to share their sunlight for us from far, the one who helps to shield us from wind and rain. They always help us to clean our room. Mint: When I went back for holiday, I saw the purple tea set on the dining table. It was taken out before I left home. I did not have time to put it back into the cupboard so I left I there. I ask my mother: “Mom, I thought I asked you to keep it in the cupboard?” My mom answered: “Your dad doesn’t allowed me to keep. He said leave it there, it feels like you’re at home and he’s able to drink the tea that you made. Everyday, he will wipe the tea set.” The greatest parents are not the ones who are willing to take care of their children the whole life. They are the ones who are willing to let their children leave the nest for their own happiness, and they are willing to take care of the nest for their children for the nest. They always bring their handphone along, it’s not that they can’t leave their handphone, they can’t leave us.
Di Di Di Yao Ku: My parents can’t remember how to spell. The handphone was my old phone. You can write on it. They do not have much call every month. But after I left home, no matter where they go, they will bring it along to them, worried that they will miss my call.
Luo Luo: One morning, my mom called me. She said, “You father said he missed you at 10:30am last night and said want to call you. I told him you’re asleep then he said he will you call you this morning.” There are a lot of parents who use handphone because because they miss their children very much. Key word: Inconvenience
When your parents turn old, your dad is not the young folk who place us on his shoulder, and your mom is no more the your capable beauty. This is a saddening fact. However, in order not to cause us trouble, the always say that they are fine. Everytime they called, their first sentence is always this: “Darling, are you okay? Everything is fine at home, don’t worry.” But you never know what happens when you are not at home, Their life wasn’t easy. When they were sick, there were no to send them to hospital.
Shi Jie Zhui You Shang De Gou: My father was sick one night. There was only my mom accompany him to a faraway town to see the doctor. He was very sick. I felt so sad when I heard it. They said you have children to take care of you when you’re old. However, a son like me who’s faraway, what can I do whey they need me the most? I can only greet them on the phone. My father likes to drink. We were always worried about his health. But because there was never any sign, so we did not object to him drinking. This time, the illness showed it. Liquor, the enemy of liver, if they found out a little more sooner, I could not imagine the consequences. Even though he told me the was alright on the phone, I have the urge to bang my head on the wall. Please take your parents for health inspection every year. After buying a big bag of rice, the two old folks spent one hour to drag it home. Chong Chong: My dad used to want a son when he was young. He said when he’s old, there would be someone to help me carry the rice and the gas to go upstair. He did have a son, which is me, but after I grow up, I studied elsewhere and never went back to the small town. My father is 50 plus this year. He used to be able to carry me on one hand and carried a bag 100 pounds (斤)* of rice on the other hand. Now everytime he buys rice, he has to ask my mom along. Both of long will buy a bag of 40 pounds (斤)* of rice everytime, so that they can take turn to drag it home. Everytime when I thought of this, I really want to return to their side. Remember to help your parents to buy rice, charge the electricity, and paid the online bills. When your parents are old, their actions and reflections are slower. Jackone32123: In my impression my dad is always very capable and nothing is difficult for him. Later, I started studying and working elsewhere. One day, I thought my dad how to use gtalk, gmail and other things. I explained to him once and he didn’t understand. I repeated again, he still didn’t understand and so I said, “Why is it taking so long to come out with a sentence…” I saw typing hint on the monitor screen stop. After a long while, this appear on the screen: “Son, don’t be anxious. Your dad is old, my reaction is slow.” I crying that time, felt like giving myself two tight slaps. Slow down your actions, wait for them, ask them how they are, just like when we were young, how they treat us.” … It’s hard to work out there but since this is what you choose then you have to bear yourself. But, if you’re tired then come back home. Your parents are always happy to add another dining set for you.