Just Being Me - Sippy

a simple plain jane who believes Jesus is her only saviour. she has an awesome family but in need of salvation. her current addiction is 2pm but shinhwa will always remain as the love of her life.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Sometimes I forgot how blessed I am and I keep on complaning for not getting enough of certain things.
Then I look at people around me, I realised that I have been blessed more than them, in anyways.
I have parents and bros who love me.
I have enough money to pay for my expenses and uni tuition fees.
I have someone to show me what love is.
I have friends that I can rant to when I'm having problems.
I have great coursemates that I can do assignments with.
I even have hommie that save me from the evil insects which keep crawling on my floor. (Elys, u're super duper great!!)

I failed to be contented with the things that I have.
I keep on thinking that I deserved more.
I keep on ranting and hoping things will go my way.
GOD has blessed me so much more.
Today He makes me see something that made me ashamed, He let me read Grace's blog.
This particular entry made me cry, especially the part below (sorry for quoting):

"Sometimes I wished we had more time together, or at least a sign telling that you were leaving so that we were able to say our last good-byes, but there was none. I’d wished you will be there for my graduation, be there when I can run home shouting ‘daddy I think I’m in love’, or to walk me down the aisle and give me to the man that I marry one day… Things will never be the same again without you."

Yeah.. It's kind of a wake up call for me. To cherish what I have before it's too late.
No one knows what happen next n I dun think I'm ready to face it.
So yeah.. will learn to be more grateful n faithful..


posted by sippy @ 7:52 PM   0 comments

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
emotional feelin.. im not really emo.
Just a few days ago, I tried to publish something on my blog.
Today, I realized it didn't upload, it went to draft instead and I tot I lost it..
It's been peaceful these few days, everythin seems to be peaceful again but I'm not sure when the storm is comin back.
Hope it wont until this sem ends, it will be tirin to suffer the same thing again.
I'm not a saint, dun consider myself a devil yet. Realise 1 thing, I'm not helpful either.
The desire to help others are not there, unless it's a long my way, and I'll reach out my hand and pull the fellar up.
Lazy to take another route to ensure the person's alrite.
Guess I know what I am now, a lazy and selfish person.
Selfish, tat fits me so well, care only for my own benefit n not others.
That's y I'm choosing to leave CF soon.. n let other ppl to continue carry the burden.
But who knows, GOD might change me, n make me less selfish once more.
Who knows..


posted by sippy @ 9:37 AM   0 comments

Friday, April 20, 2007
a painful lesson
Things happen recently and I had learned a painful lesson.
In the process, I guess I had hurt some ppl, perhaps directly, perhaps indirectly.
Causing other ppl to stumble, guess might be my biggest sin of all time.
My immature, incapabality caused me to make the wrong decisions, did the wrong thing.
It was tiring to go through this process.
If time could turn back, it wont have to be this way.
But it cant, what I can do now is tried to make things better, change myself.
It took a long time for me to realise that, and it cost a lot, to see other ppl sad bcos of me.
I guess if Jesus is here, He would have give me a sad sad look and a good scolding. After that, He might hug me and teach me to do things the right way,
"Sorry" sounds cheap, when it is used too often but I never seem to learn my lesson and thus the history itself repeat over and over again.
Yet, I still want to say "sorry" for my wrongdoings.
And lastly, there is always 2 sides to a coin, and this is one of the most painful lessons that I have learnt.

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posted by sippy @ 10:51 AM   0 comments

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